Friday, October 23, 2009

First Things First

I've never bought a bike, but I've had a few. I've just been lucky. Of course my first bike was given to me by my parents... as a hand-me-down from my older sister. Then when I was bigger, I got my own bike, then I ended up with an uncle's old ride, and now I ride my dad's old Peugeot (she's a beauty).

I've never built a bike before either.
Never bought parts for a bike beyond a new tube and brakepads. Oh, and shifters that one time.

So I'm terribly new at this. I've been googling the hell out of bike building and painting and what parts to get and what not to and what's worth what. I've been asking friends and guys at my local bike shop. What I have is a lot of contradicting opinions and confusing advice.

The solution?

I trust myself enough to know a good piece of hardware when I see one, I've heard enough to know what to avoid. I'm confident.
But I'm going to fuck it up horribly, I'm sure. I'm glad you've come to see that.

Why "Bedroom Cyclist"?
I don't have a garage or a backyard. I store both of the bikes I have now in there, and now I have a few square feet cleared and declared "bike space" for parts and building.

I'm so screwed.